The Second-Worst Part about Sick Kids...
Thursday, February 14, 2008 when they pass it on to you. GROAN! I have been so sick these past couple of days. I've tried to get into bed early every night (read: as soon as I got home from work yesterday, with a one-hour foray back to the world of the waking to eat supper and finish writing out kids' valentines), but it just wasn't enough.
I went in to work today, hoping I'd get better and not worse, but alas, I sent myself home mid-morning. My sweet boss said I could work from home the rest of the day (and tomorrow if necessary), but I took myself straight to bed.
Things have been looking up the past few hours, so I'm hoping I'm on the mend and can make it in to work tomorrow. Fortunately, the cavalry (i.e. my parents) arrives tomorrow and it's a long weekend for me, so there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
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