Next Up on the Agenda...

 Sunday, February 10, 2008

I loves me a good annual general meeting. Truth be told, I actually like meetings in general. Probably the voyeur in me - I like to hear about what other people are doing.

I missed this year's AGM at our former church because, well, we live pretty far away. And I was really sad about it; I've come to enjoy hearing committe reports and planning for the future, even if it means giving up a Saturday morning sleep-in. It gives me a lovely, glow-y sense of being part of a community.

Today was our new church's AGM. I think we probably shocked the regulars by staying for the entire 2 1/2 hour run-through. But it seems to me that you only get to see one side of a church on Sunday morning - the polished, job-interview face. If you really want to get a sense of a church, attend the AGM. You'll see what they consider important (and what gets quietly left off the agenda). You'll see what they think deserves time and energy and what is unnecessary. You'll see, perhaps most telling, where the money goes.

You can also get a sense of the politics. Of relationships. Of group dynamics. Of who displays leadership qualities. You can even get a hint at the issues that polarize a congregation and how they choose to address conflict.

So far, we're still content with our church choice. I was happy to look around at the other attendees today and realize that I knew most of them. We continue to feel welcomed; yesterday our family was invited out for supper again. It's a bit sad that there aren't more people our age (or even more people with kids), but the older generation is quite deliberate about connecting with us, so the demographic differences don't seem as marked.

Other than that, a pretty quiet weekend. Yesterday the kids and I walked down to a local toy shop where they were having a free make-a-diorama event. Today I was a bit under the weather, but hopefully a good night's sleep will get me back up to Monday morning speed.

Speaking of which, I think I'll head there now. The Husband and I are switching shifts tomorrow, so it's up at 5 for me!


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