"...this Fruit Divine, / Fair to the Eye, inviting to the Taste / Of vertue to make wise"
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Today was apple picking day! There is an orchard about half an hour away from us where they have u-pick apples, a corn maze, a petting zoo and all the apple-related-over-priced products you might wish to purchase.
Petting the bunnies from a safe distance
Just waiting to leap on someone's head to demonstrate gravity in action
The fruit of our labours
We've had lots of rain lately and today's record high of 30 degrees made for a muggy, sticky and irritable day. So hot, in fact, that the apple I had for dessert tonight was still warm from baking in the sun all day!
The Girl was terrified in the petting zoo - somewhere along the line she has decided that anything furry and bigger than a breadbox requires barbed wire and chains to rule out the risk of imminent attack. Scratch that - anything bigger than a tennis ball (I've seen her panic at a chihuahua-on-a-leash sighting). You can see her unease with the bunnies above. Those bunnies...you just never know. The goats had her clawing her way up The Husband to get to higher ground.
But they both loved picking apples, so all in all, a worthwhile outing.
In other news, The Husband is home - hooray! With a ratio of one parent for each child, we stand a fighting chance again.
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