Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Jig
Monday, October 22, 2007
It is so very odd to cross the American border and think that I'm now "home." Particularly when I'm in the immediate stages of withdrawal from "the-country-formerly-known-as-home."
But we had a fabulous time back in Canada - thanks to all who made it so lovely. And apologies to those with whom we were not able to connect; we'll catch you next time.
Our trip home was uneventful once I had fixed the tire that was rapidly flattening thanks to the nail embedded in it. Fortunately, my dad noticed its lacklustre swelling while the car was parked on his driveway and I was able to deal with it before I became one of those unfortunate souls stranded on the side of a highway that is just busy enough that people breeze by and assure themselves that someone else will be the Good Samaritan this time.
(A short digression: am I the only one who struggles this much with all things vehicular? I feel like I walk around with a "kick me" sign on my back when it comes to maintaining a roadworthy car.)
As nice as it was to return to our current residence, it underscored our current sense of being in limbo. We are officially between, in transition, experiencing change, etc. We are the visitors, not the visited. Life moves on for those back home (and thank goodness for it!) and slowly the hole we left behind begins to close over. But that's moving away, right?
We spent our weekend re-setting our house and our kids. Grandma's house is a fabulous place where treats abound and rules are relaxed. That's as it should be, of course, but it's always a bit of a shock (for all of us) when the kids come back to reality. Saturday was sunny (finally - what happened to all that Manitoba sunshine!?) and we went to the "other" zoo - the one that is smaller and less exciting, but also free.
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