Adventures in Babysitting
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Adventures = Me
Babysitting = Grandmas and Grandpas
It's time for our Annual No-Kids-Allowed Adventure! As we've done every summer since moving to Americaland, we've shipped the munchkins north for two weeks (one week with each set of grandparents). They get spoiled, G&G get their snuggles on, and we get to do whatever we want!
Which, when you are PM & Husband, equals a strange mix of detox and indulgence. Detox in that we're both filling the extra time not spent breaking up fights over the computer and driving kids hither and yon with various workouts. The Husband's been getting his running on and I signed up for the one-month-unlimited-yoga deal at the studio around the corner.
(Aside: It has clearly been awhile since I've done any downward dogs. I think I actually groaned out loud when I was getting up from my chair at work yesterday.)
We're cleaning out the ol' insides too since our CSA box is filled to the brim with veggie-tastic-goodness. It's greens for lunch and greens for dinner and sometimes we shake it up with some radishes.
But then again, we're maybe undoing all of our good behaviour by eating out fairly often. Also, my supper on Thursday may or may not have been a bag of chips. (If I don't need to cook for all four of us, my planning goes a bit awry and I end up eating whatever I'm hungry for at the store.)
I had to promise The Husband I wouldn't do any projects during these two weeks since apparently I wrecked last year's child-free weeks with a painting project that went much, much longer than I thought it would (note: stucco on the inside of the house makes less sense than you might think it does). So my paint cans are staying closed and my cookbooks are shut.
Instead, I'm getting my hair done and reading and strolling into work late because my bed was cozy and going to yoga and eating greens and drinking wine and walking around the lake. Which is awesome.
But also already missing my babies a teensy bit and knowing that the teensy will grow into a HUGE by the end of this next week and that in seven days I'll be willing to trade the fanciest romantic dinner out for a sweaty, sunscreeny, barefoot wild child hurling into my arms yelling MOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!
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