The Winter That Wasn't
Friday, January 6, 2012
It was EIGHT degrees when I left the office today. Of the Centigrade variety. My lawn is almost snowless (again). I overheated in my parka today.
Seriously, this is my favourite winter ever!
In other winter news, how's the oatmeal coming? It always makes me laugh how oatmeal goes on sale January 1, along with cottage cheese and spinach. We eat the "twigs and berries" diet (per The Husband) year-round, so it's nice to catch a price break for a little while.
I didn't make any resolutions this year. I rarely do; I've done the "I can quit snacking at any time; I've done it hundreds of times" routine before, and I figure why set yourself up to fail and feel bad about yourself? And you always hit your lowest and most guilty point in February, which is when it's important to be as kind and nice to yourself as possible.
That said, after the holidays my body craves simpler fare, so it tends to get all lentil-ish, bean-y, and veggie-tastic around here anyway. Plus, the gorgeous weather makes it downright easy to keep up the running. So it still feels a bit New Yearish.
Oh, and I'm trying to floss more. So I guess that's kind of a resolution.
We're all back to the regular routine here. School, work, travelling, cello, homework, piano, church...the usual. It's nice to get back to "normal," although I won't say that I'm happy about the fact that the next day off I get is in May. (Oh Canada, how I miss your holiday generosity.)
Happy weekend, everyone! My house is already clean and the kids are making me tacos (The Boy just learned how to make guacamole from his sister), so mine is already awesome.
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