More Like "Leftover Friday"

 Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy day-after-(American)-Thanksgiving! I love American Thanksgiving. Although the Black Friday deals and Christmas hoopla is in full swing, this holiday nevertheless manages to escape colonization by commercialism. It really is a time of family and friends and togetherness and giving rather than receiving.

We had such a great day yesterday. Sunny and warm, so the kids and I went for a beautiful morning walk down to the lake, mugs of coffee and peppermint hot chocolate in hand. They spent most of the hour discussing the farm that they are going to have one day ("Mom - you won't need to buy your vegetables anymore. We will grow them for you!").

The Husband, meanwhile, was peeling potatoes. Our contributions to the Thanksgiving feast were mashed potatoes, jello salad (Epp Salad 2.0, a much kinder and less crunchy version of the one my grandma used to make complete with cranberries, apples, celery, marshmallows and - gag- an entire grated orange, peel and all), and pumpkin pie.

(I'm ridiculously proud of my pumpkin pie, seeing as I made it from scratch, pumpkins steamed in the oven and whole wheat/butter crust and all. Although I will admit to having a backup can of pumpkin in the pantry just in case.)

We spent the day with friends from church and it was just so, so good. The kids played Wii and hide-and-seek while the grownups went for a walk and then sat around the fire outside with coffee and my aforementioned amazing pie. It was a delicious day.

And more deliciousness today, with nothing on the calendar! The Husband is sleeping in, the kids are watching a made-in-Canada-teen-spy-show, the coffeepot is full, and so is my heart.


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