It's now a month later ... Nov 6! Something familiar about that date. Oh yes, your birthday! Have a very happy one, and please don't keep us 'blog followers' waiting too much longer to hear from you :) Luv...
- The Girl. Soaring and plunging along the rollercoaster that is adolescence.
- The Boy. Sweet. Lazy. Sulky. Often all at once.
- Semicolons.
- The first cup of coffee. And the second. And the third.
- Jesus. The Sermon on the Mount one. Not that other one.
- Going to the movies and sitting next to the Twitter-er. Or The Explainer. Or the diabetic with the automatic insulin pump that hisses in the seat next to me during the intense scenes.
- When people use their iPads as cameras. Or iPods.
- Eating on the bus. Especially cereal.
- The apostrophe used to make a singular noun that ends in "s" plural.
I'm sure thankful we lived beside a ravine when our boys were that age and we had lots of raking to do!
Wow. That's a lot of leaves. You're going to be broke!
It's now a month later ... Nov 6! Something familiar about that date. Oh yes, your birthday! Have a very happy one, and please don't keep us 'blog followers' waiting too much longer to hear from you :) Luv...
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