Mail Call
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Got a postcard today:
Hey Mom, Dad, and The Boy,
It's really fun here, even though its hot. The food is really good! We play camp games 2 a day! We have church services 2 a day. I like going swimming, but I like craft hill better. I have 9 cabin mates, 1 counselor and an LIT. We have Devos (Devotions) where there are 2 versions, cabin or self. I prefer cabin. Thanks for sending me to camp!
The Girl
Ahh...that feels much better.

Wonderful news!
It is great to hear she is having a good time. I remember back when my daugther first attended an overnight camp for a week. She loved it once she got there and went back every year. This year she went as a junior counsler instead of a camper.
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