Guess Who Found the Camera Cord!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
(Aside: Did you know that if you log into your email while blogger is taking its sweet time uploading pictures and then write an entire post and try to publish it, you get an error and only then find out that your draft did not save along the way since you logged yourself out and blogger didn't have the decency to let you know? Grrr.)
We're getting there! Not at the end of the After yet, but definitely well in. After a long weekend of work, we've got couches to sit on, a table to eat at, a garage to park in, and clear pathways on the floor to walk through.
(Holy Ending Sentences with a Preposition, Batman!)
We're in full-on transition mode these days since the kids finished school on Friday (how is it possible for someone who still feels as though she's somewhere in her twenties to have a third-grader and a fifth-grader, I ask you?) and we started their summer program yesterday.
Here's a few of the other things we've been up to lately:
Sidewalk-chalking on the sunny driveway. Do you love how his shirt matches his picture?
Poor dear. We had it for almost sixteen years (yup - original wedding present. Hey, it out-lasted the microwave). Hopefully the Kenmore we ordered tonight will last as long.
(Let's see, if I now have a fifth-grader and the new vacuum lasts sixteen'll pretty much end up vacuuming a dorm room at McGill....)
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