Tap, Tap, Tap
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Is this thing on?
Yep, still here. Still pretty uninspired, so this is a But I'm not dead yet post.
Like most Midwesterners (and, I daresay, even more Canadians), my brain is semi-frozen. Kinda like when your brother-in-law visits you and your new husband in your first apartment on his way to a first date and you try to impress him and make supper by drowning frozen manicotti in spaghetti sauce and putting it in the oven and an hour and a half later it's still only partially cooked and he has to call his date and say he'll be a bit late.
(Surprisingly, that one didn't work out. At least, I never heard anything about the girl again. Definitely for the best, since the sister-in-law I ended up with is totally awesome.
[Come to think of it, I'll bet that we totally dodged a bullet due solely to my culinary misstep. My entire family should be thanking me for the crisis averted.])
We're doing well, all things considered. (And by "things" I mean "PM's crrraziness" and by "considered" I mean "ignored.") The Girl is busy making valentines. The Boy has now declared Magic Treehouse books to be "too babyish" and is attacking Percy Jackson.
Gah. I'm totally out of juice here. How about a nice Top 5 list to make this post worth something?
Top 5 Happy Things From Today
1. Chipotle. My coworker and I go on Fridays or on the last day of the week we're both in the office, whichever comes first. She's off Thursday and Friday this week, so WIN! (Although, Chipotle is making me sad right now. It's decidedly less Mexican since the recent crackdown on illegal workers. I get the need for laws and stuff, and I know I had to jump through my own hoops to become a legal worker down here, but still...some of them had kids.)
2. The Boy's Youth Group. The Boy was invited to a local church youth group (or is it called just Clubs at this age?) by his BFF last week. He loves it with his whole heart, especially since tonight was the carnival and he somehow managed to come home with a 2 litre bottle of Barqs as a prize.
3. My new iPhone. Well, "new" is a bit generous since it's just The Husband's cast-off. And "my" is also a bit presumptuous since I'm still trying to figure out how to turn it on and use it. I've asked The Husband to delete his contacts since I was just trying to figure out how the phone work and it started dialing his boss. So we need to put up some fail-safes before I can really lay claim to it.
4. The Netflix app. Read it and weep, Canucks. Know why I'm so jazzed about the iPhone? Because I CAN STREAM BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER ON THE BUS. Ohhhhh yeah. No internet usage capping for moi!
5. I can FINALLY take "Blog, already!" off my to-do list.
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