Back to Reality
Saturday, August 28, 2010
I've got dreams on the brain. Dreams and - given this past week - waking up from them.
We went to see Inception last night. Loved it. Layered plot, stunning (yet somehow unobtrusive) special effects, and enough cheekbones/three-piece suit prettiness from some of my favourite actors to elicit significant swoonage.
(Aside: Movies in the theatre really aren't my best. I go for the ones that require big screen viewing, but I spend most of the movie tense that someone around me will start talking or crunching their popcorn loudly during crucial scenes [oh, The Husband. I am so looking at you] or will laugh too loudly at a not-so-funny joke.
Yesterday there was this hissssssssing noise in my left ear that I initially blamed on a crackly speaker until I realized that the guy one seat over had some sort of medical device in a backpack that was running. So I grumpily acceded his constant need for some sort of life-saving potion, and settled back into my seat with my hand cupped over my left ear to block the sound waves from that direction.
[Still, though. He COULD have sat on the aisle. If I had a hissing medical device that needed to accompany me to a movie, I'd like to think I'd be careful about putting it next to someone who paid a bazillion dollars to be there and is looking at me and my friends suspiciously trying to ascertain whether our boisterous joking will end after the previews as she tries to consume her weight in popcorn.])
Anyway, the reason I'm even able to go to the theatre as opposed to my personal viewing palace (i.e., my basement) is because my Littlekins are rocking it up with their grandparents this week and next. We've called them a couple of times and they are all giggly and breathless and wild and falling over each other trying to be the first to report on the day's events. The Boy keeps calling me "Grandma" and then starts laughing at himself and has to start his sentence over.
Having no kids this week was definitely a good thing, as it helped make that dreams-to-reality transition from vacation to work a smidgen easier. Not easy, of course. This was one of my worst "back-to-work" weeks ever, I'll admit. Chicago with the kids was so much fun, and then Vegas with my hubby and some BFFs was so very, very good.
It also doesn't help that I got back to a pile of "back-to-school" letters and notifications or that the mornings are dark and crisp. You can feel fall in the air. Usually this gets me excited, but I'm just not ready for summer to be over yet. The past three months have flown by so much faster than any other summer, and it feels like we just got started.
But I've got one more week, I guess. I suppose this is that last few minutes of a dream, where you know it's a dream, and you know the alarm will go off, and there's something niggling at you about a deadline at work that you'd been successfully ignoring until now, but until then you are going to squeeze your eyes tight and try to stay out of reality for just one more minute.