Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Spring's been doing some serious sprungage around here. It's such a hopeful time in Minnesota - the strollers come out, the walkers return to the lakes, and the panhandlers descend en masse upon the downtown. Even my winter-shrivelled heart is beginning to throb once again.
Of course, the extra daylight and warm temperatures means that the standard routine somehow gets thrown right out the window. We're behind on homework and cleaning (and blogging, I guess). Kinda tough to care when I see the munchkins zipping up and down the street on their bikes, though.
And playing in the mud: This is the mud pie bakery outside right now (apologies for the blueness - my camera skills consist of point and shoot, and clearly someone has been messing with settings and I don't know how to fix it). My favourite part are the little decorations - they're actually pellets from the neighbour boy's BB gun.
From weapons of minor destruction to cake wrecks - swords into ploughshares indeed.
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