Gonna Fly Now
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
You've possibly noticed a bit of interior decorating here at PGT. I heart blog templates. I could look for the perfect one for hours.
(Actually, I did. I managed to crash our computer twice doing so - apparently some template sites are sketchier than others. So I was super excited to finally find this one here. There's lots of other lovely ones as well, so have at it!)
I also heart widgets. The idea of things I like, auto-populating and constantly updating, providing a fascinating and ever-changing glimpse into the fabulousness of moi - well, what's not to love?
So you've also maybe noticed my new mileage widget, with which I am tracking my training for one of my less cerebral undertakings. I'll totally admit up front that when I see it and the little numbers going up, I think that I am fairly awesome (especially since we're talking about someone whose lowest marks in school were always for Phys. Ed. and since The Monthly Mile struck me down with fear and trembling during high school).
However, I also have another motive beyond self-aggrandisement. Like many lazy people (or is it just people who tend to live in their imaginations?), I have a propensity towards starting things and not finishing them (see: quilting, being vegan, reading through the Bible in a year, doing yoga every day). It always sounds like such a cool idea, and my mind scripts a little montage where you see glimpses of me working towards my goal in bits and pieces, wiping sweat from my brow, grimacing when I hit a rough spot, but ultimately reaching the summit, all to the tune of the Rocky theme song.
But then I start and I get bored and then...well, there's no triumphant fist pumping on the steps of the Philadelphia Musem of Art for this girl.
So, it's as much for exposure as it is boasting. I figure if y'all are watching, then I'll be less likely to succumb to Old Dutch when the treadmill's call becomes faint.
And since I know everyone's watching, I feel I should address the fact that I apparently broke the cardinal rule of training yesterday. I'm still working out my schedule, and I was halfway into what I figured would probably be a 3-miler, when I started to feel guh-ross.
Knowing I'd run the day before, wondering if it was perhaps too soon for this fairly-recent-sneakers-convert to be running two days in a row and reminding myself of a short night prior, I decided to stop at two.
I have the supreme fortune of having not one, but TWO local running coaches. The Husband is the first, although he knows he only gets so far before I start to whine.
(Also, he has already declared that he does not think that I will actually run this race given my propensity towards Giving Up - see above - so I question his commitment to this whole trainer gig.)
But a work friend who has run about a bazillion marathons is my other cheerleader/taskmistress (depending on how well I've performed). I told her about yesterday's decision and she looked right at me and said sternly, "you can't do that."
But...I protested...explaining all about the whole still not sure about the schedule thing and how maybe PM's body just isn't up to the two days in a row thing. I even threw in the whole 4 hours the night before thing for some extra pity.
Nothing doing. She would have none of it. PM, she said, your brain is just looking for reasons to stop while you're doing it. Do NOT let it. You just have to bust through.
So, red-faced, I promised I wouldn't do it again.
And, you know, I probably won't. That's the funny thing about telling someone else your plans. Suddenly it's something you HAVE to do, instead of something you do because you want to (and then don't do if you don't want to). It's kind of ridiculous that it's only because of my fear of embarrassment and my frugality (I paid $60 to get into this race, and I'm getting my money's worth dangit!) that I haven't given up already even though I'm only two weeks in.
But whatever it takes, right?
So, please keep an eye on the widget to the left. If you don't see it creeping up ever so steadily, feel free to send an admonition my way.
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