- The Girl. Soaring and plunging along the rollercoaster that is adolescence.
- The Boy. Sweet. Lazy. Sulky. Often all at once.
- Semicolons.
- The first cup of coffee. And the second. And the third.
- Jesus. The Sermon on the Mount one. Not that other one.
- Going to the movies and sitting next to the Twitter-er. Or The Explainer. Or the diabetic with the automatic insulin pump that hisses in the seat next to me during the intense scenes.
- When people use their iPads as cameras. Or iPods.
- Eating on the bus. Especially cereal.
- The apostrophe used to make a singular noun that ends in "s" plural.
D for sure. Way to go!
Definitely D! However, you could have found a less strenuous way to celebrate my birthday, you know! But good on you -- training starts when?
The Holland household is very impressed.
Training starts, um, soon-ish.
And the Holland family might consider reserving their impressed-ness until I actually go through with this.
Oh no. You put it out there. You're committed.
wow, just came across your blog as McBeth (other half) was reading your fascinating blog....and wow, good for you!!
You mean "Ack" in a good way, right!? :)
Hope things go well in your training.
- by "not mexican"
Hi "not Mexican"! Nice to have you around these parts :)
Um, yes. It is "ack" in a good way.
(I'm starting to wonder a teensy bit whether a 5K or a 10 mile might have been a bit better for a first race. But fortune favours the brave, yes?)
In your multiple choice I think you forgot "brave". Yes, fortune does favor the brave :)
Half marathon is a good race to start with (a 5k or 10 miler will be a 'walk' in the park later on).
Plenty of time to start training wisely.
-by "not mexican"
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