Falling Victim to the Chaos of Modern Life? Or Early Onset Alzheimer's?

 Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Exhibit A [in car on way to church]

"Shoot, I forgot to bring that book I promised. I'll just drop you off and quickly go home to pick it up."

[later] "What took you so long?"

"Well...there was traffic...so I tried a different way. And I totally got to see parts of the Twin Cities I've never seen before!"

Exhibit B [in kitchen, after church]

"Hi, um, Johnny's mom? I'm The Boy's mom and he got an invitation to your son's birthday party two weeks ago and we were very excited about it but I set it aside to RSVP and I forgot about it and I just found it and I know the party is this afternoon but is there any way that The Boy could still come and I'd totally understand if you didn't have room for him anymore...oh, that's fantastic, thank you so much...that's so nice of you, I'm so sorry I was so scatterbrained...."

Exhibit C [in Target, purchasing the present for the narrowly-missed party]

"Shoot, I forgot my wallet at home." [to cashier] "Do you take cheques"?

"Yes, we do."

[writes cheque out in 10 items or fewer line, causing sighs and malevolent looks from those behind in the line]

"Here you go."

"Do you have your ID with you? Because we don't take cheques without ID."

[narrowing eyes, thinking this would have been helpful to know a minute ago, a minute in which a cheque would likely not have been written if someone had taken that whole "forgot my wallet" concept and run with it...]

"No. No, I don't have my ID with me."

"Oh, well, I'll just keep this all here for you until you can come back for it."

All this in a space of six hours. The ol' cylinders don't seem to be firing as well as they used to.


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