Who's Running This Show, Anyway?
Saturday, September 5, 2009
[door opens, PM comes in, sets down her luggage]
WHAT the...!
[looks around in shock]
I am positive that when I left on my unannounced hiatus, I told you Blogger Elves® to post regularly. And now just look at this place! It's filthy! It's stale! It's all [hands waving in air wildly] COBWEBBY!
This is just perfect. Juuuust perfect. What do you think all four PGT readers are thinking now?! They're thinking that I just up and left, that when my kids were gone to Grandma's for two weeks that I simply abandoned all housekeeping duties (including, but not limited to, bathroom cleaning, laundry, and/or blogging).
That I haven't cooked anything harder than a frozen pizza in two weeks. That I've tried all sorts of new restaurants, gone to a movie, and walked leisurely down by the lake more times than I can count.
That The Husband went on a business trip last week so I had even less interest in doing anything and descended into a languid stupor of Old Dutch and Terry Pratchett.
DON'T give me that. Yes, of course that's all true. But they weren't supposed to know about it! YOU were supposed to maintain a presence over here in this corner of the internets, not lie around drinking and thinking of good blog posts without actually writing them. Like me.
HARUMPH. All I know is, this is the last time I leave you guys in charge. Next time, I'm hiring an intern.
[grumbles, picks up broom, starts sweeping]
Want something done...do it yourself...stupid elves...thank goodness school starting next week...back to normal around here...grrrrr.
Thank goodness you are back in control!Those elves were useless.
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