Happy Belated ... Stuff!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Yep, still here. But, holy smokes, is it seriously July already? Could've sworn it was still June. Which is probably why I missed the following:
Shouldn't've missed it - we had actual Canucks on the premises. My brother and fam were here all last week (hence the slacker blogging) and we had a rocking time showing them the sights and watching the cousins hang out. Given the downturn, I'm a bit reticent to broadcast that I'm a Canadian these days for fear of someone wondering and then failing to come up with a good reason why a local can't do my job, so we had a muted celebration. But my coworkers gave my kind wishes, and I was only slightly belligerent when I reminded them that we whupped their butts in 1812 after they made snarky comments about us signing ourselves politely into existence.
We actually got some 4th'in in this year and were invited to spend the day with some friends. You guys - those bandstands you see on TV? With flags? And bands? Playing songs from the American Songbook? They totally exist. There were pony rides. And races. Streamers and family picnics and neighbours loving on each other. I thought I was in a Norman Rockwell painting. We got rained out and came home early, so the kids were in bed before fireworks time. But wouldn't you know it, we could see the local display perfectly through a hole in the trees, so The Husband and I got a personal show on the driveway.
I'm a leetle bit late, but if you knew how guilty I feel, you'd know that my blackened conscience is heavy out of love for you.
Whew - all caught up! Now I can get back to normal - moaning about how time is going too fast, herding my children, procrastinating tasks that I end up doing hurriedly and poorly at the last minute, and worrying about Sarah Palin. The usual.
Cancel the guilt, please! At my age a birthday is just not a big deal, but thanks for my very own paragraph in your blog!
So glad you and the brother's family had a great time together! Parents feel all warm and fuzzy when their kids/grandkids get together on their own initiative.
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