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Friday, March 27, 2009
Running silent and deep lately it seems. Time to put the ol' periscope up.
I am firmly convinced that the time between 2:50-3:05 on a Friday afternoon is The Best 15 Minutes of The Week. The anticipation of being released from the workweek is almost as good as (possibly even better than) those first glorious minutes of freedom.
Don't get me wrong; I loves me my job. But there's just something about having worked long and hard and then being able to savour the deliciousness that is knowing you don't have to start working long and hard again for two point five days.
(Aside: glass-half-full that I am, I actually find myself getting the teensiest bit depressed at 3:06 knowing that the weekend that has just begun will fly by and all too soon it will be Monday again and then it will be a whole week before I get that feeling of anticipation again. Now that's a pessimist!)
Business as usual around here. Swimming lessons, church small group, ESL class, Young Rembrandts (the kids' art class), plus playdates and birthday parties. The logistical implications of school-age children are simply staggering. When they were lumpy infants, they went wherever I did and they stayed where I put them. Heck, for the first year the only forethought required was to pack an extra diaper and a change of clothes and we could go anywhere since food was only a blanket-over-the-shoulder away.
Now? Seems like I'm constantly planning. It was snowing yesterday when I was registering them for summer daycare. Is it just me, or is it crazy to have to block off your summer vacation dates when you're still wearing your winter coat?
And why does it feel as though my kids need me more the older they get, and not less? Not that I'm actually expected to do all that much, but they get all squirrelly if I'm not around. I'm totally not complaining on this one; it's nice to be needed and all too soon they'll be teenagers and they'll roll their eyes and sneer at me under their breath and be angry that I have the audacity to be alive.
The kids had their last day of school before spring break today, so we're getting ready for a fun-filled week of daycare. And by "we," I mean "three" as The Husband is off travelling again next week. My favourite - Fun with Single Parenting! This installment will be particularly riveting as I get to single-handedly negotiate The Girl's birthday next Wednesday and then her sleepover birthday party next Friday.
(Mental note: do not schedule a birthday party for spring break week when you live in a wealthy suburb. Almost all of the invitees go away for spring break with their families. On the other hand, a short guest list makes for an easier party....)
To end: I don't usually brag on my kids all that much here. At least, I don't think I do, but maybe you're all rolling your eyes and pssssht-ing me from behind your screens right now. To which I say: if you think that's bragging, you should see what I'm not telling you.
Anyway...if I haven't mentioned it, my Littles really are Young Rembrandts, and I'm amazed by the quality of the work les petites artistes produce. Also the volume: we secretly toss the bulk of it and still have lots left over. Here is an example of something The Girl did in school this last month:

She's my own little Eric Carle!
Fun birthday times ahead! My "baby" turns 4 on Wednesday (I'm not even going to start on that!), and did a family birthday treat today. Museum of Man and Nature, guest starring Dinosaur Dynasty. His highlights - the bison, thundering at us as we walk in, and the 'pirate ship' Nonsuch. (*every* ship must be a pirate ship in his opinion.)
Thankfully, we hold off birthday parties till school-age. So I don't have to plan the 'coolest party ever' for another couple of years. shudder. Good luck to you with the giggly girls! :)
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