Vendredi V - Good Friday Edition
Friday, March 21, 2008
Top Five Things I Love about Easter:
1. Good Friday breakfast at our "home" church. It gets me all shiver-y and somber inside.
2. Hard-boiled eggs where the dye somehow leaked through the shell and stained the egg white.
3. Rewards hard-earned having been (at least somewhat) disciplined during Lent.
4. Renewed joy in the fact that I am a Christian and thus have a direction towards which the compass of my existence points while on earth and a destination after death where I'll get to *finally* meet so many who have gone before.
5. Malted milk robin's eggs.
(As with the rest of life, a nice mix of the sacred and the profane - each makes the other that much sweeter.)
Confession time: prior to my looking up "Vendredi" to find its meaning (no French education here at all, people! Now if you'd said "Viernes", I'd have been right there), I thought that "Vendredi V" would make a good planetary name (Criminy I'm such a geek).
Gather an Away Team to explore Vendredi V, Number One. Observe the Prime Directive at all times, except where violating it would amass greater television ratings.
(I'll see your "geek" and raise you a "nerd." I have a feeling I'll lose this game, though...)
"The avalanche has already begun. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
I see your "nerd" and raise you 1d20+10 "RPGer" points (but knowing the source of that quote will come close to leveling things out).
Wait, is this a game I WANT to win?!
I fold. I had no hope of getting past the first hand anyway.
(Although my guess is Warcraft or D&D.)
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