First Day of School - Part Deux
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
(OK, so this is the third time I've tried writing this. Our computer is officially kaput and we're limping along with my palm pilot. It works, but about as well as scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush. So this might be short,)
My baby started school yesterday. Yes, I know he was in daycare full-time last year and that this is only pre-k, but still. They have circle time and learn about the days of the week and have activity centres - it's school.
He is Mr. Handsome in his uniform and even though he only knows two words ("bun-joor" and "whee"), he is trying really hard. His sweet teacher rigged it so that he was yesterday's "petit étoile" (little star) which meant he was first in line all day and he got to bring show and tell today.
My mommy heart is sore and proud. He is such a sweet, sensitive boy who looooves to be with his mama. He was so tired when I picked him up yesterday; he melted into my arms and didn't want to let go.
But we're all pleased at how smooth his integeation is going and I'm turning my thoughts towards work next week.
The final hurdle is causing me a fair amount of anxiety. I'm planning to travel up to Grand Portage - the closest point of entry is 5 hours away, grrr - tomorow or Thursday to try to get my visa. An immigration lawyer is sending me a hee-ooj package today and theoretically there is no valid reason I would be denied. But border officials do not always follow theoretical models and my stomach turns at the thought of my entire career resting on someone else's interpretation of the rules. Some prayers for road safety and easy visa acquisition would be much appreciated.
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