Those Darn Canadian Microbes

 Wednesday, November 28, 2007


We brought more than cheer and goodwill home with us this past weekend. Some nasty flu bugs discovered with glee our poorly-defended-against-Canadian-germs immune systems and hitched a ride in order to fly south for the winter.

The Girl was pretty much right as rain after staying home on Monday and The Boy has thus far emerged unscathed; his temperature seems to run higher than the rest of us (at least, he's always removing items of clothing and complaining of being hot), so perhaps he is an unwelcoming host. It seems that The Husband and I have borne the brunt of it, spending much of the past two days in bed.

I'm feeling mostly better today and so can embark on the post-sick clean-up (aka washing all the bedding).

In other news, it was cooooold here yesterday! By which I mean it was warmer than you Northerners had but colder than we're used to. We didn't see it coming, as is the case every year when I somehow forget that winter will eventually arrive at some point, so last night there was a quick stop at REI for some nice warm boots for the chill'uns. Fortunately last year's parkas were bought big, so I think we're good to go now.

Not that it matters much. Yesterday, the Girl got bundled up in parka, snow pants (a misnomer for us as there is currently no snow), boots from two seasons ago, toque, scarf and her brother's mittens (we could only find one of hers) only to go to school to find that recess was cancelled. Yes, cancelled. It was -15 degrees C and it was deemed too cold for the little ones.

Now, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that it was cancelled not for the weather's extremity but for the fact that many of the children's parents were also likely caught unaware and their munchkins may have been less than properly dressed. At least, this is what we're hoping. It will be a looooong winter if recess is cancelled whenever the temperature dips below -10.


Anonymous,  November 28, 2007 at 12:40 PM  

Lucky you got the "flu shot" or you'd be in bed for a week?

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