Lazy Saturday

 Saturday, September 8, 2007

There's something nice about knowing that businesses are closed on weekends. You know no one will pester you for letters you don't have that indicate your odometer reads in kilometres, no one will politely but firmly tell you that you have no credit history, and no one will apologize.

I'm quite tired of apologies. "I'm so very sorry that we did not get your letter to you on the day we promised we would." "I'm extremely sorry that the moving company had your shipment loaded and a driver scheduled, and then unloaded the shipment and rescheduled the driver to another load. Just because. Please accept my deep apologies."

Anyway, to wash away the residue of the week's apologies, we had a nice lazy Saturday. Brunch at Pancake House (note: better in the States than in Canada. And by "better," I mean even more artery-clogging-tastic. They serve whipping cream for the coffee). An afternoon at the children's museum. And pizza and a kids' movie to top it all off.

Here's some children's museum fun:

Getting groceries

Mom Teddy gets a check-up

Giving the queen ant a kiss

Happy news today: Little Penguin wine is $7 in the US. Yes, it's cheap wine, but I'm excited that I will now be paying cheaper prices for cheap wine.

In happier news, my good friends Rendezvous-Verschtez and Doug have just welcomed their new baby boy into the world. With pseudonyms like that, you *know* they picked a fabulous name for their new little one and they did not disappoint. This is the first "big" event we've missed; knowing it is the first of many is a bit sad. But each one will be one more reason to visit frequently, right?


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