The Eagle Has Landed
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Today marked a momentous day in our move. The Husband drove to the border, clutching the third version of the offer letter. He strode manfully up to the window, brimming with confidence, and meekly requested his TN-1 visa. Fortunately, the wind was from the north, the earth was tilted ever so slightly, the Fates were busy unravelling threads over in Newfoundland, and a butterfly flapped its wings in Uzbekistan - the visa was granted.
This document, worth its fibrous weight in gold, unlocks so many doors for us. The biggest, of course, is the ability to work in the States. It also grants the holder the right to apply for a social security number (the appropriate forms filled out an hour later in Grand Forks) which in turn leads to bank accounts, leases and that hallowed American institution - credit.
Tonight was spent taking munchkin passport photos and booking airline tickets (in order to prove the need for expedited passports). Tomorrow morning I'll be up far too early so I can wait in line before the passport office opens to ensure I get processed in an express (i.e. leisurely) fashion so as to hopefully guarantee that I am only one hour late for work on my very last day.
Wish me luck!
Woohoo! Excellent news! I trust all goes as well with passports today, and that you enjoy your last day of visiting and lunch at work.
Ah, but my love, you missed telling of the absolute MOST important perk of the visa and subsequent SSN (which Husband will have memorized in a matter of days, by the way): the honour of paying Uncle Sam! (Will be thinking of you tomorrow morning as I dream...)
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