Come on now, breathe - one more big push!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Moving out of a house is a lot like giving birth.
Once the blessed event is confirmed, preparations begin: attend pre-natal classes and buy a crib; get passports and find a house.
But even with the best-laid plans, it all really comes down to that last day or two. Then the waters break, the moving truck pulls up, and the hard work begins.
(To push the childbirth metaphor as far as it will go, I'd have to say that the housekeeping equivalent to crowning is cleaning the oven. Worst. Job. Ever. And a can of Easy-Off ain't no epidural.)
Then suddenly, it's all done. The mess has been cleared away, and you are in that transitory stage between pregnancy and new motherhood, between old house and new. While you are excited (and a bit overwhlemed) by the new adventure ahead, you can't help but be a bit nostalgic about the phase you are leaving.
You remember the first time your belly really looked pregnant and not just fat. The first time you heard the heartbeat.
You remember reading beside a cozy fireplace. Walking to go get gelati. Rushing off to school because you are late. Again. Losing a first tooth. Choosing a park.
Dear house, we will miss you. (Except for the heating bills.)
All things being equal, I think I prefer labour and delivery to moving out of a house. For one thing, it's short (for me, anyway). Someone else does all the clean-up**. Nice people shout encouraging things at you and bring you ice cream when it's all done.
But then again, I'll sleep through the night tonight. So there are some positives.
(**Note: I have not forgotten all those kind offers to help me clean my house. However, it's such a nasty job, I figured I'd spare you all.)
Moving update: We're at the eleventh hour and every item on my very long list has been crossed off. I've got passports, TD visas, and enough airplane children's programming to last for a flight twice the length of our scheduled time. Which, of course, means that we'll run out of stuff to do about half an hour before we land. Please pray for us - this upcoming flight has caused me the most anxiety of anything we've faced so far!