It's Not You, It's Me

 Monday, May 27, 2013

Dear blog,

I think it's time we stop seeing each other.

I'm sure this isn't a surprise to you. You've noticed how distant I've been...increasingly distant. Longer and longer between visits. Less to say.

I think we're just going through the motions at this point. Our conversations are just about surface things...who did what and when. No pictures. We've gone from pouring hearts out and daily updates to posts that always begin with "sorry I've been away so long..."

We shouldn't feel guilty. We've tried to rekindle things over and over. I've made pronouncements of "blogging. every. day." and you've spiced things up in the template department. For awhile, things are good again, like the old days. But then, it's back to status quo.

It's like we're just roommates.

Don't worry - there's no one else. The Face.Book and I are just casual acquaintances, nothing more. All those other social media? I don't even know how to use them.

No, I think it's time we face facts. I just can't give you what you need and deserve.

But we've had a good run, yes? Almost six years ago we started this up and things were amazing. We were so connected. There was so much to say...we'd stay up all night talking. So much to share. All the struggles with moving and trying to figure out a new life in a new city.

I suppose you could say that I'm fully transplanted now. I've gone from a bewildered mama with no job, no status, no friends, no house, and no church to a typical mom/wife/woman - kids in the groove, an awesome job, permanent residency, a network of folks, a cute little house on the hill, and a loving church family.

And I suppose that's why I don't have much to say ever. Life isn't boring. But it's just life. And I find more joy in living it than I do recording it.

I won't say "let's just be friends." That's not fair to you - watching and waiting and hoping I'll pop in now and again. No, this is goodbye. I won't be posting anymore. But I'll leave you up. It was good while it lasted and I don't want to forget the fun times we had.

Thanks for always being there. And to my readers (all two of you)? Thanks for everything. It was fun shooting these posts off into the great interwebs beyond and know that friends were still reading and caring about us even after all these years.

Signing off,

Peitricia Mae


Crying Uncle

 Friday, April 19, 2013

I give up.

The view from the skyways yesterday.

I think this is our bazillionth straight day of gray skies. Give or take a day. 

Last week I could see my deck for about an hour. I *almost* got out the patio furniture.



When The Husband's Away...

 Monday, March 11, 2013

I get to go to my happy place.

The paint aisle.

(I can't help it. It's an obsession.)


I'm not allowed to paint while The Husband is around. Well, I can do it. But oh my - the whining and complaining. You'd think it was the if outlet covers didn't go back on within five minutes of paint drying.

(Pay no attention to the window pulls that have yet to be returned to their rightful home after the painting of the sunroom. It's only been a year and a half.)

So, I have to take advantage of his business trips to pull out the ol' paint chips. And I have to do it kind of on the sly. At least, I have to pretend I'm not doing it and he pretends that he doesn't know that I'm totally going to do it. Last week's exchange:


Hi. Question for you. Do you think you could help me move the hutch in the dining room into the bedroom? And maybe the bookshelves? Also, would it be very hard to take down the chandelier?

No reason.


So this week he's gone for a looooong time - won't see him around these parts until next Sunday. That is SEVEN whole days of pure paint tray and dropcloth bliss. (Shhhh. Don't tell.)

I've never really liked the colour I chose for the main floor. It's too bad - it took me a long time to do. I think, at the time, anything seemed like an improvement.

Can you see the Under the Tuscan Sun fake marbling effect of the previous paint job? Oy. So marbled. So strangely yellowish. It just didn't do it for me.

I went with blue. It's a nice blue. A perfectly good blue. It matches the couches and the wood just fine. And yet....

I didn't love the blue. I didn't even really like the blue. It took me a long time to admit it, but I just never warmed to it. That's not easy to admit when it's brand new. But now it's been almost two years (craziness! We've been living here almost two years!) and it's time to freshen up.

(Or, as The Girl said when we moved the couch and she saw all the dust bunnies underneath, "Mom, there's a lot of dust under here. You should paint more often.")

From your lips to God's ears, darlin'.

It's gonna be good times this week! I've got five cans, a ton of new rollers, and THREE rolls of Frog Tape. And a deadline - oh my, if it still looks like this when someone's plane gets back, it's going to take a LOT of imagination to pretend that there's really still a couch there.


The Best-Laid Plans

 Wednesday, March 6, 2013

So much for my "I am so awesome and I don't have to shovel my driveway because I don't have to go anywhere" lifestyle.

That ended today when I called home and The Girl answered, sobbing.

"I was running and I was late for the bus and I dropped my phone in the snow and now I can't find it and it's gone foreeeeeevvvvveeeeerrrrrrr!"

Unfortunately, The Girl's school is not within walking distance. And also unfortunately, a day's worth of sun did not miraculously melt the 10 inches of snow on my driveway.

I thought, maybe I can just barrel through. Maybe if I just shovel that bit from the snowplow at the end of the driveway, I'll be good.

But I took one look at it and knew I wouldn't even get out of the garage.

And so, I conquered my fear:

(With a little help from The Husband, who talked me through all the knobs and gears and pull-thingeys and levers.)

It ain't pretty, but it did the job:

(Apologies to the people/cars passing by. I can drive it or I can aim the snow away from you. I chose driving.)

A pathway cleared, we raced off to school to try to capture the last seconds of daylight. Fortunately, Steve Jobs = awesome and the Find iPhone app told us exactly where to go.

But there was a lot of snow. And knowing the area where it is doesn't help much if it's buried.

Double fortunately, the app also includes a "Send sound to phone" feature. So we tried it, and the snow started to ring.

Triple fortunately, the phone was able to pick up the school's wireless network, and it still had 3% power so it was able to call us with its dying breaths.

Lucky girl.

Not one to put my freed car to waste, I decided we needed to celebrate with Noodles and Company. We had our usual:  chicken noodle soup for The Girl and mac'n'cheese for The Boy.

(She's officially vegetarian. So he ate the meat for her.)


Snug as Bugs

 Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Apparently I am currently living in a reenactment of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie.

Including the whole "Pa is away from home bringing the furs to Independence to trade for supplies and about to get caught in a blizzard in which he will hole up in a snowbank and eat the Christmas candy to stay alive."

(Except it's more of a "The Husband is away on another trip" type of thing. And I don't believe there is candy involved. But I could be wrong.)

Here is the current state of my driveway:

See that trudged path there? That was made by The Girl on her way to school. (The other path on the front yard is made by our poor mail carrier. We don't have a front walk. So he makes his own, poor guy.)

That path also equals the sum total of snow-clearing that I intend to do this week.

For one, our snowblower is an absolute monster. Crazy heated handles, two stage, throw the snow into the next county - that kind of monster. I can't even move it, much less start it.

But more importantly, I'm not clearing snow because I don't have to. The kids bus to school. I bus to work. I can see the grocery store from my sunroom as I type. The piano teacher comes to our house. My French class meets at the high school a few blocks away. In short, we can live our regular lives and we do not need to start up the ol' Jetta at all.

A happy accident? Not a bit. I've been extremely intentional about building this lifestyle. We don't do extracurricular activities that require driving. We made sure to prioritize living in a walkable area that was close to bus routes. And we reap the benefits, particularly on days like today, when The Husband is away yet again and somehow everyone needs to eat and get to school and try to work.

Even better when "work" looks like this:

There's been a lot of brouhaha on the interwebs lately about working from home. Yeah, I get that there's a temptation to slack. And I also get that there is a lot to be said about hallway conversations and just being part of the general hum that is the office.

However, being able to work from home allows me to skip the two-hour commute that awaited me on a snowy day today. It allows me to easily accommodate a last-minute decision by the school division to start school two hours late. It allows me to feed The Boy breakfast while I call in to a meeting in Minneapolis while I instant-message someone in Bangalore while I help The Girl make her lunch.

(It also allows me to blog on my lunch break, woot!)

In short, I'm enormously grateful for being able to sit here in my yoga pants drinking coffee while the snow falls and not have to stress about whether to miss work to take care of the munchkins or whether to leave them to fend for themselves while I brave the commute.

It's definitely a work-life balance I can live with.



 Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Is it spring yet?

Bah on winter. We're in the worst stretch right now. It's cold. And dark. And flu-tastic. And trip-tastic (the one thing I hate most about the first quarter of the year is that the travel ban at The Husband's work gets lifted and suddenly there's four trips in three weeks).

Truthfully, I feel like I could sleep ten hours a night. I hate how it's dark by the time I get home, so we do homework and dinner at what feels past bedtime. Ack - makes me want to burrow until spring.

But other than being sick and Husband-less, we're still doing quite well. The Boy got his braces off, whoop!

(Must find picture. I have the energy to blog or find pictures. Not both.)

The Boy also turned 10, which is kinda crazy. We're out of the single digits at this house.

We turned the screens off Monday-Thursday, much to the dismay of the munchkins. I'm sure other families can find a balance, but not ours. There just isn't enough time to play Minecraft AND do homework AND practice piano AND have a nice family dinner. So it was computer or dinner.

(The kids are probably just as grouchy as if they skipped meals.)

But I love it. They're much friendlier kids when they don't have to be extracted from the depths of computer games. They fight less. They read way more.

And we're not completely heartless - we said that any video game that makes them move is okay. So there's some epic dance-offs.

Oh! And a New Year's Resolution update. There've been some major failures - I do not score 100% for having slept in my own bed every night in 2013. But I'm getting better! And it's making a difference. I'm less tired at work and I'm not so panicky when I wake up. So yay me!

Now all I need is some sunshine on my commute and we'll be good to go.


Happy 2013!

 Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Did you stay up to watch the ball drop last night? Did you get all dolled up and go to a par-tay?

I did - if by "dolled up" you mean "put on my nicest yoga pants" and by "par-tay" you mean "went to Target to return the Christmas lights that cacked out halfway through Christmas."

Oh yes, it was a fairly epic ending to the year.

And now, on to 2013! I've got my usual stack of non-resolutions ("non" because they're on the list year-round and because I never really make actual goals around them so *shockingly* I don't get very far).

Read my Bible more. Lose some of those Christmas pounds so I can fit into ALL of my jeans again. Exercise more. Read more.

But this year I have an *actual* resolution, too. It's pretty crazy:

Go to bed.

I'm a firm believer in getting everything ready the night before. Taking a few minutes to lay out some clothes, get the coffee maker ready, pack a lunch, and make sure I know where my bus card is.

I believe it, but I rarely do it. I turn into my kids at bedtime - balking, procrastinating, refusing to go take my shower, begging my brain to let me read one. more. chapter.

Then I drag my tired butt upstairs to put them to bed, only to snuggle in with them and fall asleep because by that point I'm exhausted.

(I've woken up crinked around a 9-year-old in a twin bed more often than I'd like to admit.)

It doesn't help that my job is flexible. There's a two hour window in which it's acceptable to arrive ("acceptable" in that I haven't been fired yet). With older kids who can latchkey, I don't have a time by which I have to be home, so if I get in later I just leave later.

And when I don't go to bed with all the necessaries ready, I spend the next morning frantically rushing around and end up getting to work later. Which gets me home later. Which makes me all resentful that my evening is cut short so I stay up late. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I read once that Madeleine L'Engle kicks visitors out of her house at 9 pm, no exceptions. It's time to get ready for bed, and she allows for no distractions, no "I'd rathers," no "oh, I'll just do that in the mornings."

It takes a big girl to go to bed on time. An adult - one who acknowledges that tomorrow will come, despite my best endeavours to make tonight 22 minutes longer so I can watch one more episode of 30 Rock. One who plans ahead and thinks about tomorrow's lunch while today's leftovers are still on the counter. One who verifies that there are clean clothes for the next day so the next morning doesn't involve a panicked "swimsuit or bathrobe to work" dilemma.

So as much as it pains me on the last day of holidays, I'm going to turn in early tonight. Especially because it's the last day of holidays and tomorrow is going to kick my cookie-and-chip-enhanced butt.